Looking After Visitors

Business Communication Skills

Looking after Visitors

Assigning roles

Here are some phrases you can use when looking after visitors.

Common English Phrases

Greeting the visitor:-

Good morning/afternoon. Can I help you? 
Do you have an appointment? 
I'll let (Mr Smith) know you're here. What name is it, please? 

Explaining there's a problem:-

I'm afraid (Mr Smith) is in a meeting. 
I'm sorry, but he/she's out of the office at the moment.

Offering help / refreshments etc:-

Would you like to take a seat? 
Maybe I can help you? 
Would you like some tea/coffee whilst you wait?
Milk and sugar?
Would you like to read through our company brochure / newsletter / literature? 

Making small talk:-

Did you have a good journey? 
What was the weather like in (London)? 
Have you been to (Germany) before? 


- See more at: http://www.learnenglish.de/business/visitors.html#sthash.DhisnF17.dpuf

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