
01The biggest energy source on the surface of the earth isSolar radiation
02The acid found in soil isHumic acid
03Burning of fossil fuels releasesCarbon-di-oxide
04The place referred to as the Valley of Death isCubatao in Brazil
05The Valley of Flowers is located atGarhwal in Himalayas
06The element found abundant in the crust of the earth isOxygen
0799 percent of the crust of earth is composed ofElements
08The crust of the earth is calledLithosphere
09The type of soil found in the dessert isAridisols
10Acid rain was discovered byR.A.Smith
11The simplest and least polluting way of deriving energy isSolar energy
12Junk of appliances and vehicles is known asSolid Waste
13Oceans are ecologically divided into how many regionsFive
14Uranium miners more frequently suffer fromCancer
15Textile workers more frequently suffer fromByssinosis
16Coal miners more frequently suffer fromBlack lung diseases
17The type of living beings more sensitive to nuclear radiations areMammals
18The most acute pollution problem faced by nuclear power industry isDisposal of nuclear waste
19Excessive inhalling of manganese causesPnemonia
20Hay fever is due to the presence of which thing in the airPollen
21The metal which causes systemic poisoning in man isLead
22Dust containing silica causesSilicosis
23Intensive use of nitrate fertilizers causesMethemoglobinemia
24The most economic and pollution free form of transport isBicycle
25The main source of harmful radiations in our house can be due toTelevisions
26The most recently discovered ecosystem isVent
27The most biologically productive ecosystem isAlluvial plains
28Ecologists divide divide lakes into how many zonesThree
29Death valley is located in which dessertNevada
30Man first cultivated crops in which ageNeolithic
31Sheep were initially dpmesticated forMeat and milk
32The industrial chemical which increases the chance of developing Leukemia isBenzene
33The Royal society for the Protection of Birds was formed in1889 AD
34`Man and the Biosphere'an ecological programme was launched byUNESCO
35Chemicals which get rid of pests are called asPesticides
36The living beings which are known as teritary consumers areMeat-eating animals
37A motor car produces least amount of pollution whileMoving
38The first living beings who established themselves on rocky slopes wereLichens
39Birds evolved on earth during theJurassic period
40Water covers about how many percent of the earth's surfaceSeventy
41Oxygen was discovered byJoseph Priestley
42Oxygen was discovered inAugust 1774
43The word `Oxygen'was coined byAntonie Levoiser
44When something burns in air, it combines with oxygen and the process is calledOxidation
45When we breather,oxygen combines chemically with glucose in the body to createEnergy
46The two major components of air are oxygen andNitrogen
47The French chemist who showed that air was the same all around the world wasHenri Regnault
48William Ramsay discovered that air also contained tiny traces ofInert gases
49The gases which are slow to react with other chemicals are calledInert gases
50The air surrounding the earth is forever on the move because ofSun's heat
51A space with nothing in it is calledVacuum
52Air pressure is related to density of air. This was discovered by whom in 1662 ADRobert Boyle
53Earth's atmosphere has how many layersFive
54Moon gets very hot and very cold as it has noAtmosphere
5578 percent of the atmosphere isNitrogen
5621 percent of the atmosphere isOxygen
57The atmospheric layer immediately around the earth is calledTroposphere
58The second atmospheric layer is calledStratosphere
59The third atmospheric layer is calledMesosphere
60The fourth atmospheric layer is calledIonosphere
61The fifth atmospheric layer is calledExosphere
62Human beings inhale what and give out whatOxygen,carbon dioxide
63Plants inhale what and give out whatCarbon dioxide,oxygen
64Bubbles in soda water is due to presence ofCarbon dioxide
65Ozone is actually a form ofOxygen
66We are protected from ultraviolet radiation from the sun due to the presence ofOzone layer
67The main culprit which is destroying the ozone layer isCFC gases
68The main green house gas isCarbon dioxide
69As one goes higher in the atmosphere,air pressureDecreases
70As per Daniel Bernoulli,whenever air moves,its pressureDrops
71The most common compound on earth isWater
72Life originally emerged fromWater
73About how many percent of the world's water is solidTwo
74Less than how many percent of the world's water is fresh waterThree
75The amount of water vapour in the atmosphere is known asHumidity
76Any substance that dissolve in the water vapour it absorbs is said to beDeliquescent
77Henry Cavendish proved that water was a compound which includedHydrogen
78The french chemist who showed that water was a simple compound of hydrogen and oxygen wasAntoine Lavoiser
79In case of heavy water,oxygen combines withDeuterium
80A special type of hydrogen with an extra neutron in its nucleus isDeuterium
81Heavy water can be extracted from ordinary water by the process ofDistillation
82In every water molecutl,there are how many hydrogen atoms and how many oxygen atomsTwo,one
83Water expands when it isFrozen
84Oxygen condenses at a temperature of-183.c
85The ultimate source of nearly all our energy is theSun
86Solar cells turn light energy from the sun intoElectrical energy
87Two types of basic energy isPotential energy,kinetic energy
88Energy that is not doing anything but is simply stored for action is calledPotential energy
89Energy in the nucleus of an atom is calledNuclear energy

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