Inventions & Discoveries in Science

No.Inventor / DiscoverorInvention / DiscoveryYear
01A.AvogadroMolecular Hypothesis1811
02A.BecquerelPrinciple of Photo-electric Cell1839
04A.Binet & T.SimonIntelligence Testing,Modern1905
05A.EinsteinTheory of Relativity1905
06A.LavoisierNature of Combustion1777
07ArchimedesTheory of Displacement of water 3rd century1859
08Charles DarwinTheory of Evolution by Natural by Natural Selection1896
09Charles DarwinOrign of Species1737-53
10C.LinneausClassification of Plants and Animals1869
11D.MendeleevPeriodic Table1912
12F.SoddyTheory of Isotopes1590
13GalileoLaws of FAlling bodies1865
14G.MendelLaws of Heredity1827
15G.S.OhmOhm's Law1827
16Strassman,Hahn,Bohr,FermiUranium Fission Theory1781
17H.CavendishSynthesis of Water1886
18Heinrich HertzElectro-magnetic Waves-
19H.G.KhoranaGenetic Code1913
20H.MoseleyAtomic Number1687
21I.NewtonLaws of Gravitation1687
22J.C.MaxwellElectromagnetic Theory of Light1803
23John DaltonAtomic Theory1808
24John DaltonLaws of Multiple proportion1809
25Joseph Gay-LussacLaws Governing Gases1910
26PavlovTheory of Conditioned Reflex1851
27KelvinDynamite Theory of Heat1876
28Louis PasteurGerm Theory1901
29Max Von PlanckQuantum Theory of radiation1675
30O.RomerVelocity of Light1859
31R.Bunsen & G.KirchhoffSpectrum Analysis1918
32RutherfordAtom Smashing Theory1904
33Sigmund FreudTheory of Psycho-analysis1892
34SteinmetzLaws of Alternating Current1924
35L.Victor de BriglieWave nature of electron1621
36W.ShellLaws of Refraction of Light1895
38I.NewtonLaws of motion1800
39VoltaCurrent electricity and electrical battery1774
43FaradayElectromagnetic Induction-
44FaradayLaws of electrolysis1759
45Benjamin FranklinLightning Conductor-
46Louis BraillePrinting for the blind1898
47Madam Marie CurieRadium-
49Louis PasteurGerm theory: Hydrophobia Antitoxin;Anti-rabies treatment-
51BantingInsulin (cure of diabetes)-
52U.N.BrahmachariCure of Kala-azar fever-
53Ronald RossMalaria Parasites1929
54Alexander FlemingPenicillin1796
55Edward JennerSmall-pox vaccination1609
56KeplerLaws of planetary motion1882
57Robert KochTuberculosis bacilli-
58J.DaltonLaw of partial pressures-
59Otto HahnAtom bomb-
60C.V.RamanRaman Effect1867
61Joseph ListerAntiseptic Surgery-
63HarveyBlood circulation and functioning of heart-
64LandsteinerBlood transfusion-
65Harrison and SimpsonChloroform1884
66Robert KochCholera Bacillus1897
67EijkmanCause of beriberi-

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