

Q: What is the date of birth of Quaid-e-Azam"
A: December 25, 1876 

Q: Where was Quaid-e-Azam born?
A: Karachi

Q: What was the name of the building where Quaid-e-Azam was born?
A: Wazir Mansion in Kharadar

Q: What was the name of his father?
A: Jinnahbhai Poonja

Q: What was the name of his mother?
A: Mithibai

Q: Name the ancestral village of Quaid's family?
A: Paneli in Kathiawar

Q: What was the name of Quaid's aunt who first took him to Bombay in his childhood?
A: Manbai

Q: Name the brothers and sisters of Quaid-e-Azam?
A: Rahmat, Maryam, Ahmed Ali, Bande Ali, Fatima, Sh in n

Q: What was his mother tongue?
A: Gujrati

Q: What was the profession of his father?
A: Business

Q: When did Quaid-e-Azam first marry?
A: 1892

Q: What was the name of his first wife?
A: Emibai

Q: When did his first wife die?
A: 1894

Q: When did his mother expire?
A: 1893

Q: When did his father die?
A: 1902

Q: What is the date of birth of Quaid's sister Mohtarma Fatima Jinnah?
A: July3l, 1891

Q: What was Fatima Jinnah titled?
A: Madar-e-MiIlat (Mother of the Nation)

Q: When did Quaid-e-Azam's second marriage take place?
A: Aprill9,1918

Q: What was the name of his second wife?
A: RatanBai

Q: What was the name of her father?
A: Sir Dinshaw Petit

Q: When was Quaid's only child born?
A: August 14, 1919

Q: What was the name of Quaid's only daughter?
A: Dina

Q: When did Quaid's second wife die?
A: February 20, 1929

Quaid-e-Azam Early Life

Q: When was the first tutor engaged to teach Quaid-e-Azam at home?
A: 1882

Q: Which school did he first join?
A: Sindh Madrassah-tul-lslam

Q: When was he admitted at Sindh Madrassah-tul-Islam?
A: July4, 1887

Q: When was he first taken to Bombay?
A: 1887

Q: Which school did he join during his brief stay in Bombay?
A: Anjuman-e-lslam School

Q: When was he readmitted at Sindh Madrassah-tul-Islam?
A: December23, 1887

Q: Which was the game he used to play in his schoof life?
A: Cricket

Q: At what age he took to horse riding
A: Ten years

Q: When did he leave Sindh Madrassah-tul-lslam?
A: January 30, 1892

Q: Which school did he join in after leaving Sindh Madrassah-tul-lslam?
A: Mission High School

Higher Education

Q: When did Quaid-e-Azam leave for England for higher studies?
A: December 1892

Q: On whose advice did he proceed to England?
A: Sir Leigh Croft

Q: In which bank did he open his account upon arrival in England?
A: Royal Bank of Scotland

Q: In which company did he begin apprenticeship in London?
A: GrahamTrading Company

Q: Which educational institution did he first join in Eng-land?
A: Lincoln,s lnn

Q: Why had he chosen to join Lincoln's Inn?
A: He specifically chose to join Lincoln's Inn because he noticed the name of Holy Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) heading the list of the great-est law-givers of the world on a plaque at its main entrance.

Q: When did he join Lincoln's Inn?
A: June 25, 1893

Q: What was the aim of his voyage to England at first?
A: To establisth business over there

Q: When was the degree of Bar-at-Law conferred upon him?
A: April29, 1896

Q: Which library was first joined by him in England?
A: British Museum Library

Q: When did he change his surname from Jinnahbhai toJinnah?
A: 1893

Q: Who was the Prime Minister of England when Quaid-e-Azam was studying law in England?
A: William Ewart Gladstone

Q: Which were Quaid's favourite newspapers during his stay in England?
A: The Times, The Liberal Daily News and The Pall Mall Gazette

Q: When did he return from England after completing his education?
A: 1896

Q: When did Quaid-e-Azam leave for England for higher studies?
A: December 1892

Q: On whose advice did he proceed to England?
A: Sir Leigh Croft

Q: In which bank did he open his account upon arrival in England?
A: Royal Bank of Scotland

Q: In which company did he begin apprenticeship in London?
A: GrahamTrading Company

Q: Which educational institution did he first join in Eng-land?
A: Lincoln,s lnn

Q: Why had he chosen to join Lincoln's Inn?
A: He specifically chose to join Lincoln's Inn because he noticed the name of Holy Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) heading the list of the great-est law-givers of the world on a plaque at its main entrance.

Q: When did he join Lincoln's Inn?
A: June 25, 1893

Q: What was the aim of his voyage to England at first?
A: To establisth business over there

Q: When was the degree of Bar-at-Law conferred upon him?
A: April29, 1896
Q: Which library was first joined by him in England?
A: British Museum Library

Q: When did he change his surname from Jinnahbhai toJinnah?
A: 1893

Q: Who was the Prime Minister of England when Quaid-e-Azam was studying law in England?
A: William Ewart Gladstone

Q: Which were Quaid's favourite newspapers during his stay in England?
A: The Times, The Liberal Daily News and The Pall Mall Gazette

Q: When did he return from England after completing his education?
A: 1896

Professional Career

Q: When did Ouaid-e-Azam commence his career as a professional lawyer?
A: 1896

Q: In which court did he first register himself as a barrister?
A: Bombay High Court

Q: When was he enrolled as a barrister at Bombay High Court?
A: August 24,1896

Q: To whom he was first introduced as a lawyer?
A: Advocate General of Bombay, Mac Pherson

Q: When was Quaid-e-Azam first appointed as Third Presidency Magistrate in Bombay?
A: 1900

Q: When did he become a member of Orient Club Bombay?
A: 1902

Q: When did he join Municipal Corporation Bombay as a legal advisor?
A: 1903

Q: When was he elected as member of Bombay Cor- poration?
A: 1904

Q: When was he nominated as a representative of Bombay Presidency Association to plead the In-dian case before the British electorate?
A: 1905

Q: When did he resign from the membership of Bom-bay Corporation?
A: 1907

Q: When did his political career begin?
A: 1906

Q: When did he join Indian National Congress?
A: 1906

Q: When did he join All fndia Muslim League?
A: 1913

Q: Who had invited him to join Muslim League?
A: Maulana Muhammad Ali Jauhar

Q: When was he elected Vice President of Indian Muslim Association?
A: 1907

Q: When was he elected member Executive Committee of Anjuman Zia-ul-Islam?
A: 1907

Q: When did he become Private Secretary to Congress President Dadabhai Naoroji?
A: 1906

Q: When was Qua id-e-Azam elected to Imperial Legislative Council of India?
A: 1909

Q: From which constituency he was elected to the Council?
A: Bombay Presidency

Q: When did he join Home Rule League?
A: 1916

Q: Who founded Home Rule League?
A: Annie Besant

Q: When did he leave Congress?
A: 1920

Q: Why had he resigned from Congress?
A: In protest of Gandhi's resolution of noncooperation movement against the British regime

Q: When did Quaid-e-Azam first become President of Muslim League?
A: 1916

Q: When did he present his famous 14 points?
A: March28,1929

Q: Where did he present them?
A: During the session of All India Muslim League at Delhi

Q: Why did he come up with his 14 points?
A: It was in response to the unjust Nehru Report which had fallen short of the just demands of the Muslims

Q: With whom did he represent the Muslim delega-tion in the first as well as the second Round Table Conference?
A: Maulana Muhammad All Jauhar

Q: Did Quaid-e-Azam join the Civil Disobedience. Movement which was launched by Gandhi ?
A: No. Because he was against violating the laws

Q: In how many Round Table Conferences did he participate?
A: Two

Q: When was the first conference held?
A: 1930.

Q: When was the second conference held?
A: 1932

Q: Were the conferences a success story?'
A: No

Q: When did Quaid-e-Azam return to India to reorganise Muslim League?
A: 1937

Q: Why was Quaid-e-Azam known as Ambassador of Peace and Unity?
A: He had worked. a great deal for Hlndu-Muslim unity as a result of which the annual sessions of both Congress as well as Muslim League were held at Lucknow in 1916

Q: Which historic meeting did the Ouaid preside in 1940?
A: The Lahore session of All India Muslim League in which the Pakistan Resolution was tabled and passed.

Q: What was the Pakistan Resolution?
A: In this resolution it was demanded that those ar eas of India where the Muslims were in majority should be formed into separate and independent Units .

Q: Who had tabled the Pakistan Resolution?
A: A K Fazle Haq

Q: Who had seconded the resolution?
A: Chaudhry Khaliq-uz-Zaman

Q: How many people were estimated to have attended the Lahore session of Muslim League in which the Pakistan Resolution was tabled and passed?
A: 100,000

Q: Where was the Annual Convention of Muslim League held in 1941?
A: Madras

Q: When did Quaid-e-Azam present his two-nation theory?
A: December 28, 1940

Q: Where had he presented the theory?
A: Ahmedabad

Q: When was All India Muslim Students Federation founded?
A: December 1937

Q: Where was the first meeting of the federation held?
A: Calcutta

Q: When did Nishat-e-Sania of Muslim League come into being?
A: October1937

Q: Where was that historic decision taken?
A: Lucknow

Q: When was All India Muslim League Volunteer Corps founded?
A: October1937

Q: Who was the founding Convenor of the Corps?
A: Abdul Haq Barklay

Q: Name the person who announced the title of Quald-e-Azam for Muhammad Ali Jinnah?
A: Ferozuddin Ahmed

Q: Where did he make that announcement?
A: During the Patna session of All India Muslim League

Q: When was the Women Wing of Muslim League established
A: 1937

Q: Who had helped Ouaid-e-Azam in the formation of Women Wing of Muslim League?
A: His sister Fatima Jinnah

Quaid-e-Azam life after Independence

Q: When did Quaid-e-Azam reach Karachi on the eve of Independence?
A: August 7, 1947

Q: Which city was declared as capital of Pakistan by Ouaid-e-Azam?
A: Karachi

Q: When did he chair first meeting of the Constituent Assembly of Pakistan?
A: August 12, 1947

Q: When did he host a banquet in the honour of Lord Mountbatten, the last viceroy of British India?
A: August l3, 1947

Q: When was Quaid-e-Azam sworn in as the first Governor General of Pakistan?
A: August l5, 1947

Q: Who had administered the oath from him?
A: Justice Sir Abdul Rashid

Q: When was Quaid-e-Azam given first civic reception by Karachi Metropolitan Corporation?
A: August 25, 1947

Q: Which was the first private factory to be inaugurated by Quaid-e-Azam?
A: Valika Textile Mills

Q: When did he inaugurate that factory?
A: September 26, 1947

Q: When did he first address the Armed Forces of Pakistan?
A: October 11, 1947

Q: When did he issue Banking Companies (Pakistan) Ordinance?
A: October 22, 1947

Q: When was National Guards Ordinance issued by him?
A: November 2, 1947

Q: When did he inaugurate Bengal Oil Mills?
A: February 2, 1948

Q: When did he perform the opening ceremony of State Bank of Pakistan?
A: July 1, 1948

Q: Which was the last public function attended by Quaid-e-Azam?
A: The opening ceremony of State Bank

Q: When did he move to Ziarat?
A: July 14,1948

Q: When did he move to Quetta?
A: August 13,1948

Q: When did he finally return to Karachi?
A: September 11, 1948

Q: When did he die?
A: September 11, 1948

Q: Where did he die?
A: Karachi

Q: Where was he buried?
A: Karachi

Q: When was he buried?
A: September 12, 1948

Q: How many people turned up in his funeral procession?
A: Nearly 0.6 million

Q: Who succeeded Quaid-e-Azam as Governor General of Pakistan?
A: Khwaja Nazimuddin

Miscallenous Questions

Q: Name the chowkidar who served Quaid-e-Azam in the Ziarat Residency in Balochistan?
A: TotiKhan

Q: What was the name of his personal physician?
A: Dr Col Elahi Bakhsh

Q: What was the name of his driver?
A: Muhammad Hanif Azad

Q: Which English poet did Quaid-e-Azam admire most?
A: William Shakespeare

Q: Which game did he like most?
A: Billiards

Q: Which other games did he himself play?
A: Cricket and golf

Q: Where is Jinnah Town Hall located?
A: Bombay

Q: What is the meaning of Jinnah?
A: Tall, slim or something similar

Q: What is the meaning of Ouaid-e-Azam?
A: Great Leader

Q: What was the motto of his life?
A: Unity, faith and discipline

Q: Which newspaper was founded by him?
A: Dawn

Q: How tall was Quaid-e-Azam?
A: Five feet and ten inches

Q: What was the colour of his eyes?
A: Black

Q: In which eye did he use to wear monocle?
A: Right

Q: In which city Ouaid-e-Azam University located?
A: Islamabad

Q: Who designed the mausoleum of Quaid-e-Azam?
A: Yahya Merchant

Q: Which country gifted the chandelier for the mausoleum?
A: China

Q: When was the mausoleum of Quaid-e-Azam com-pleted?
A: 1971

Q: What is the new name of Flag Staff House?
A: Quaid-e-Azam House Museum

Q: From whom Ouaid-e-Azam had purchased that building?
A: Sohrab Katrak Cawasjee

Q: When had Quaid-e-Azam acquired Flag Staff House?
A: 1943

Q: Who had inaugurated Quaid-e-Azam House Museum?
A: Hakim Muhammad Said

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