Study of Science

No.TermStudy of
1.AcousticsThe science of sound, its production,transmission and effects.
2.AnthropologyMental and Physical states of mankind.
3.AeronauticsScience of air navigation.
4.ArchaeologyStudy of ancient civilisation from the old buildings and monuments
5.CeramicsArt of pottery.
6.CallisthenicsExercises for promoting beauty and strength.
7.ChemotherapyTreatment of a disease by certain chemical compounds.
8.CytologyDealing with cells
9.DemographyStatistics of birth, diseases, etc., illustrating conditions of community.
10.EcologyRelations of animals and plants to their environment.
11.EntomologyStydy of insects.
12.EthnologyScience of races and their relations to one another and their characteristics
13.EtymologyPart of linguistic science concerned with facts relating to origin and history of words.
14.GeneticsScience of heredity
15.GeologyScience of earth's crust,it's strata and their relations and changes.
16.HorticultureArt of garden cultivation.
17.HydroponicsCulture of plants without soil.It was also called water culture.
18.JurisprudenceScience of knowledge of law.
19.LexicographyCompiling of dictionary.
20.MetallurgyScience dealing with the method of extraction of metals from their ores and the preparation of alloys.
21.MeteorologyScience of weather and climate
22.MycologyStudy of fungi.
23.NeurologyStudy of nerves.
24.NumismaticsStudy of coins and medals
25.OrnithologyStudy of birds,their habits, etc.
26.PalaeontologyScience of the fossils of plants and animals.
27.PathologyScience of bodily diseases
28.PedagogyScience of teaching.
29.PenologyStudy of punishment and of prison management.
30.PhilologyStudy of different languages.
31.PhilatelyArt of stamp collecting.
32.PsychologyScience of mind.
33.PiscicultureArt of rearing fish.
34.SeismologyScience of earthquakes.
35.SericultureStudy of silk worm breeding.
36.TaxidermyArt of preparing and mounting skins of animals in life-like manner.
37.TopographyArt of representing on a map the physical features of a place.
38.PneumaticsScience dealing with the pressure,elasticity,weight etc. of air and other gases.

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