Sunday 7 September 2014

The White Rabbits

The White Rabbits

ALL the white rabbits but two, my dears,
All the white rabbits but two,
Away they all sailed in a cockle-shell boat,
Painted a beautiful blue.
All the white rabbits so snowy and sleek,
Away they went down to the shore ;
Little they thought, so happy and meek,
They'd never come up from it more.
Oh, the white rabbits they wept and they sobbed,
Till the boat it shook up in the sails ;
Oh, the white rabbits they sobbed and they shook
From their poor loppy ears to their tails.
Away they all sailed to a desolate land
Where never a lettuce-leaf grew,
All the white rabbits but two, my dears,
All tho white rabbits but two.

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