Sunday 30 March 2014

Better The Devil You Know Than The Devil You Do not

The devil is a wicked spirit that harms people. It is always dangerous to face him. But once we get familiar with the devil, we can avoid his evil work to a certain extent as we know what to expect from it. In other words, we get familiar with the devil’s behaviour. We can take necessary precautions and reduce the dangers to a great extent. But if we are meetings the devil for the first time, we may not know what sort of dangers and harm will come our way. This is true in the case of difficulties also. If we have experienced a problem before, we can always do something to reduce its intensity. In the case of an unknown or unfamiliar danger or problem, we will be more or less helpless. There are people who are difficult and dangerous. But once we know their ways and what to expect from them we can always take steps to avoid them and adjust ourselves accordingly. So it is always advisable to rely on someone whom we had known before despite his faults than to depend on unfamiliar person. A known evil is a lesser evil.

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